954 resultados para medial collateral ligament


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Foram estudados o arranjo e o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas do ligamento colateral medial da articulação do cotovelo do cão, isolado ou associado ao ligamento oblíquo e tracionado até a ruptura. Dezoito articulações foram divididas em três grupos. O primeiro grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial coletado, mas não tracionado; o segundo grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial tracionado isoladamente; o terceiro grupo teve os ligamentos colateral medial e oblíquo tracionados associadamente. O ligamento colateral medial não submetido ao ensaio de tração apresentou um padrão ondulado das fibras colágenas, o qual não foi totalmente destruído quando foi tracionado, associado ao ligamento oblíquo, e perdeu totalmente o padrão reticular das fibras colágenas quando testado isoladamente. Quando o ligamento colateral medial foi submetido à tensão isoladamente, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas aumentou em relação ao grupo não submetido à tensão. Associado ao ligamento oblíquo, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas foi o maior na região de inserção e o menor na região média, em relação aos outros grupos. Concluiu-se que o ligamento oblíquo pode favorecer a integridade da região de inserção do ligamento colateral medial, aumentando a eficácia de sua reconstrução após a lesão.


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This study investigated the oblique ligament mechanical contribution to the medial collateral ligament of the canine elbow joint. Fifteen dogs were used for the study of the failure load, displacement, and energy absorption of the medial collateral and oblique ligaments of the canine elbow joint, associate and separately in the joint. Medial collateral ligament failure load and energy absorption were significantly higher in relation to the isolated oblique ligament. When the ligaments were associated in the joint, they presented an increment in failure load, displacement and energy absorption in relation to the ligaments analyzed separately. It was concluded, therefore, that the oblique ligament could have an important paper in the stability of the canine elbow joint, as it favors the medial collateral ligament resistance to the tensile load, one of the main stabilizer of the elbow joint.


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Objective: To carry out an anatomical study of the medial collateral ligament, an important elbow stabilizer in different degrees of elbow flexion-extension. Methods: Forty elbows were dissected in order to analyze the functional behavior of the anterior, posterior and transverse ligament bands during valgus stress maneuvers of the elbow in different degrees of flexion and extension. Two groups were determined; in the group GPA the posterior band of the ligament was sectioned initially, then the articular capsule and finally the anterior band; in group GAP this order was reversed. Results: Instability was observed in GPA only in the third stage, when there was a greater mean elbow's opening during the flexion (between 50 degrees and 70 degrees); in GAP the instability was present since the first stage; the degrees of flexion with greater instability were the same as in group GPA. Conclusion: The anterior band of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow is the most important stabilizer of the elbow valgus instability, and its principal action occurs between 50 degrees and 70 degrees of elbow flexion. Level of Evidence III, Diagnostic Studies Investigating a diagnostic test.


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We have determined the effects of tropomodulin (Tmod), talin, vinculin, and alpha-actinin on ligament fibroblast adhesion. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which lacks a functional healing response, and the medial collateral ligament (MCL), a functionally healing ligament, were selected for this study. The micropipette aspiration technique was used to determine the forces needed to separate ACL and MCL cells from a fibronectin-coated surface. Delivery of exogenous tropomodulin, an actin-filament capping protein, into MCL fibroblasts significantly increased adhesion, whereas its monoclonal antibody (mAb) significantly decreased cell adhesiveness. However, for ACL fibroblasts, Tmod significantly reduced adhesion, whereas its mAb had no effect. mAbs to talin, vinculin, and alpha-actinin significantly decreased the adhesion of both ACL and MCL cells with increasing concentrations of antibody, and also reduced stress fiber formation and cell spreading rate as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. Disruption of actin filament and microtubule assembly with cytochalasin D and colchicine, respectively, also significantly reduced adhesion in ACL and MCL cells. In conclusion, both ACL and MCL fibroblast adhesion depends on cytoskeletal assembly; however, this dependence differs between ACL and MCL fibroblasts in many ways, especially in the role of Tmod. These results add yet another possible factor in explaining the clinical differences in healing between the ACL and the MCL.


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Medical collateral ligament injuries are among the most common knee injuries for the athletic population. Immobilization once was the accepted course of treatment for MCL injuries but research has demonstrated the ineffectiveness of this approach.


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Osteoarthritis due to cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture or hip dysplasia is one of the most important causes of chronic lameness in dogs. This study aimed at comparing nitric oxide (NO) production by the CCL with that of the femoral head ligament (FHL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL), and investigating the pathway of NO production and the concomitant metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in the presence or absence of an inflammatory stimulus. Ligaments of normal dogs were subjected to different stimuli, and NO and MMP activity from explant culture supernatants were compared. The results showed that in explant cultures of the canine CCL more NO was produced than in those of the other two ligaments. A higher level of NO was produced when CCLs were exposed to the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-inducing cocktail TNF/IL-1/LPS, and NO synthesis could be inhibited by both l-NMMA, a general nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor and l-NIL, a specific iNOS inhibitor. However, a correlation between NO synthesis and iNOS expression levels as determined by immunohistochemistry was not observed. In contrast to CCL, no evidence for iNOS-dependent NO synthesis was observed for MCL and FHL. The CCL produced less MMP than MCL and FHL, and no correlation between MMP and NO could be demonstrated. MMP activity in the CCL increased significantly after 48 h of incubation with the inflammatory stimulus. The results suggest that in canine osteoarthritis NO synthesized by canine CCL plays a more important role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the stifle than that synthesized by FHL and MCL.


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A literatura relata que ligamentos consistem de tecido conjuntivo denso, composto por água, colágeno tipos I e III, diversas proteoglicanas, pouca elastina e várias outras substâncias. Além disso, os ligamentos, quando testados in vitro com tensão longitudinal e unidirecional, apresentam um comportamento mecânico não-linear, ou seja, as fibras colágenas são alongadas aos poucos, perdendo seu padrão ondulado, até que todas estejam no limite máximo de tração e iniciem o rompimento. Portanto, no presente estudo avaliou-se a presença de fibras elásticas (elastina) no ligamento colateral medial do cotovelo de cães adultos para ponderar se a elasticidade do referido ligamento deve-se à presença de fibras elásticas ou às propriedades elásticas do colágeno ou à combinação de ambas. Foram utilizadas quatro articulações, de machos e fêmeas em igual proporção, das quais foram adquiridas as amostras das porções médias dos ligamentos colaterais mediais para a rotina histológica. Os cortes foram corados pela técnica de Weigert, e não foi observada a presença de fibras elásticas, detectável por esta técnica à microscopia de luz. Concluiu-se que a elasticidade do ligamento colateral medial do cotovelo de cão deve-se, principalmente, ao padrão ondulado das fibras colágenas, devido à quantidade ínfima ou até à inexistência de fibras elásticas nesta estrutura.


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Ultrastructural evaluation of the collagen of the mongrel dog medial collateral ligament associated to the oblique ligament after strain. The present work aimed to observe the disposition of the collagen fibres of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow joint of the dog, when associated to the oblique ligament. Thus, 18 articulations were used, divided in three groups. A group had the medial collateral ligament collected and not stretched, other group had the collateral medial ligament stretched separately and the other group had both ligaments (medial collateral and oblique) stretched associately. The medial collateral ligament examined by scanning electron microscopy presented a wavy and reticular pattern of the collagen fibres when not submitted to strain, which was not totally destroyed when it was associated to the oblique ligament. When stretched separately, the medial collateral ligament after strain totally loses the reticular pattern, demonstrating the waste of the fibres to resist to the tension.


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OBJETIVO: Realizar um estudo anatômico do ligamento colateral medial, um importante estabilizador do cotovelo, em diferentes graus de flexo-extensão do cotovelo. MÉTODOS: Foram dissecados 40 cotovelos para analisar o comportamento funcional das bandas anterior, posterior e transversa do ligamento nas manobras de estresse em valgo do cotovelo durante seu movimento de flexão e extensão em diferentes graus. Determinou-se dois grupos: no GPA foi seccionado, a banda posterior do ligamento, depois a cápsula articular e, por fim, a banda anterior; no GAP, a ordem de dissecação foi inversa. RESULTADOS: No GPA observou-se instabilidade somente na terceira etapa e a média de abertura foi maior entre 50&º e 70&º de flexão de cotovelo; no GAP, a instabilidade apareceu desde a primeira etapa e os graus de flexão com maior instabilidade foram nos mesmos do grupo A. CONCLUSÃO: A banda anterior do ligamento colateral medial do cotovelo é o mais importante estabilizador na instabilidade em valgo do cotovelo e sua atuação principal acontece entre 50º e 70º de flexão do cotovelo. Nível de evidência III, Estudo Diagnóstico - Investigação de um exame para diagnóstico.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the anatomic feasibility of medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction using a part of the adductor magnus tendon and to identify possible risks.


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Ligament balancing in total knee arthroplasty may have an important influence on joint stability and prosthesis lifetime. In order to provide quantitative information and assistance during ligament balancing, a device that intraoperatively measures knee joint forces and moments was developed. Its performance and surgical advantages were evaluated on six cadaver specimens mounted on a knee joint loading apparatus allowing unconstrained knee motion as well as compression and varus-valgus loading. Four different experiments were performed on each specimen. (1) Knee joints were axially loaded. Comparison between applied and measured compressive forces demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of in situ measurements (1.8N). (2) Assessment of knee stability based on condyle contact forces or varus-valgus moments were compared to the current surgical method (difference of varus-valgus loads causing condyle lift-off). The force-based approach was equivalent to the surgical method while the moment-based, which is considered optimal, showed a tendency of lateral imbalance. (3) To estimate the importance of keeping the patella in its anatomical position during imbalance assessment, the effect of patellar eversion on the mediolateral distribution of tibiofemoral contact forces was measured. One fourth of the contact force induced by the patellar load was shifted to the lateral compartment. (4) The effect of minor and major medial collateral ligament releases was biomechanically quantified. On average, the medial contact force was reduced by 20% and 46%, respectively. Large variation among specimens reflected the difficulty of ligament release and the need for intraoperative force monitoring. This series of experiments thus demonstrated the device's potential to improve ligament balancing and survivorship of total knee arthroplasty.


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Following injury, it is inherently difficult to completely restore the biomechanical properties of ligaments. Relatively little is known about the cellular mechanisms controlling ligament healing. Numerous studies have implicated fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) as key molecules during the initiation of the cellular proliferation, differentiation, migration and matrix deposition that characterise wound healing. While current surgical emphasis concentrates on growth factor intervention, the role of their cognate receptors (FGFRs) has largely been overlooked. Following transection of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) in rabbits, we examined FGFR expression over a 14-day healing period. Using semiquantitative RT-PCR, we observed a significant upregulation in FGFR2 expression after 3 days. By 7 days post injury, FGFR2 expression fell to basal levels in line with those of FGFR1 and 3, both of which remained unaffected by surgical transection. These results demonstrate a role for FGFR2 in fibroblast and endothelial cell proliferation in damaged ligament, and suggest a window for FGF therapy.


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A total histological grade does not necessarily distinguish between different manifestations of cartilage damage or degeneration. An accurate and reliable histological assessment method is required to separate normal and pathological tissue within a joint during treatment of degenerative joint conditions and to sub-classify the latter in meaningful ways. The Modified Mankin method may be adaptable for this purpose. We investigated how much detail may be lost by assigning one composite score/grade to represent different degenerative components of the osteoarthritic condition. We used four ovine injury models (sham surgery, anterior cruciate ligament/medial collateral ligament instability, simulated anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscal removal) to induce different degrees and potentially 'types' (mechanisms) of osteoarthritis. Articular cartilage was systematically harvested, prepared for histological examination and graded in a blinded fashion using a Modified Mankin grading method. Results showed that the possible permutations of cartilage damage were significant and far more varied than the current intended use that histological grading systems allow. Of 1352 cartilage specimens graded, 234 different manifestations of potential histological damage were observed across 23 potential individual grades of the Modified Mankin grading method. The results presented here show that current composite histological grading may contain additional information that could potentially discern different stages or mechanisms of cartilage damage and degeneration in a sheep model. This approach may be applicable to other grading systems.


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Os objectivos deste estudo basearam-se na análise dos aspectos clínicos de cavalos de desporto, aos quais foi diagnosticado através de ecografia, desmite dos Ligamentos Colaterais (LCs) da articulação Interfalângica Distal (IFD). Os cavalos incluídos na amostra foram examinados entre Setembro de 2011 e Junho de 2012 tendo sido selecionados aqueles que apresentaram os critérios de inclusão requeridos, nomeadamente o diagnóstico de desmite em pelo menos um dos LCs da articulação IFD. Foram incluídos 8 animais no estudo, sendo que o diagnóstico foi feito através de um cuidadoso exame ortopédico e de ecografia, tendo-se verificado as lesões nos membros anteriores. O LC Lateral foi o mais afectado (5 cavalos) seguido do Medial (2 cavalos). Apenas em 1 dos casos as lesões eram bilaterais. A maioria dos animais apresentavam distensão da articulação IFD confirmada ecograficamente. A claudicação foi invariavelmente exacerbada em círculo no piso duro, sendo que 7 dos 8 (87.5%) animais aumentaram o grau de claudicação quando o membro afectado estava no interior do círculo. Após o bloqueio digital palmar a claudicação foi atenuada em 7 dos 8 animais (87.5%) sendo totalmente abolida em 3 (37.5%) deles. O bloqueio da articulação IFD foi positivo em todos os animais, e o bloqueio da bursa podotroclear negativa em 7 dos 8 cavalos. Metade dos animais (50%) apresentaram alterações radiográficas como osteoartrite da articulação IFD, remodelação óssea da origem/inserção do LC afectado e um deles apresentava ossificação de uma cartilagem ungular. Todos os animais apresentaram sinais evidentes de lesão na ecografia, sendo que alguns demostraram sinais de desmite crónica e outros aguda. Os tratamentos instituídos variaram de acordo com a história, sinais clínicos, sinais radiográficos e severidade das lesões ecográficas. A desmite dos LC da articulação IFD deve ser considerada como uma causa de claudicação que afecta a performance dos cavalos de desporto. Mais estudos são necessários, de modo a caraterizar melhor estas lesões e avaliar as melhorias após a terapia por forma a determinar os factores que mais influenciam o prognóstico. Palavras-Chave: Equinos, Ligamentos colaterais, Desmite, articulação Interfalângica distal


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Neste trabalho, algumas características anatômicas e morfométricas do ligamento oblíquo do cotovelo do eqüino foram descritas em dez animais adultos, sem raça definida, que não apresentavam afecções dos órgãos locomotores. O ligamento oblíquo origina-se dorsal à fossa radial do úmero, atravessa obliquamente a superfície cranial do cotovelo e se divide em uma porção longa, que se insere na tuberosidade radial, e em outra curta, que se une à porção longa do ligamento colateral medial. Foram efetuadas medidas visando a obter o comprimento e a largura máximas entre a origem e a inserção do ligamento oblíquo, não sendo observadas diferenças (P>0,05) nas comparações feitas entre os sexos e os antímeros. O ligamento oblíquo contribui no efeito mola e na manutenção da estabilidade da articulação do cotovelo do eqüino. Pela particularidade de sua localização, cranial à articulação, o ligamento oblíquo possui ação frenadora, impedindo a extensão completa da referida articulação.